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A Suprising Ally

Charlie's growth as a charecter has been really fun to write.


Charlie glanced over at Sidney and Harry, messing around and laughing.

He glanced at the taller man lent next to him" make him happy don't you.."

"Hm?... oh" he shuffled a little "Yeah I'd like to think so."

"look. I'm sorry for being such a dickhead beforeā€¦" Charlie sighed "I've done a bit of... self reflection since we last spoke.."


"let's just say... I think we're.. more similar than we both thought."

There was a pause

"Wait, your- Lavender...?"

"yeah.. I just haven't managed to get any dried yet.."

"Ah you want the fresh flower really... dried just crumbles."


"... to tell you the truth." He unwove the lavender from his lapel "Mines fake"

"Oh my god- can't believe you've been lying this whole time."

Roy snorted "Oh I know I'm terrible."